Medieval Monks Were Volcano Trackers Without Even Knowing It (Cool Weird Awesome 999)

In the 12th and 13th Centuries, monks were tracking the looks of the moon, including lunar eclipses. Modern-day researchers took another look to see if some of those eclipses were actually volcanic eruptions.

By |2023-12-05T06:37:24-05:00May 1, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

Linda Christensen, The Minnesota State Fair’s Legendary Butter Sculptor (Cool Weird Awesome 838)

At the Minnesota State Fair, there's a contest to choose a new ambassador for the state's dairy farms. And for almost 50 years, a sculptor made butter likenesses of the contestants. Here's a little about how Linda Christensen and her colleagues did it.

All Hail Iowa’s Butter Cow (Cool Weird Awesome 101)

It's day one of the Iowa State Fair, and what would that fair be without its centerpiece - the butter cow! The most bovine of butter sculptures made its debut in 1911, but the long and interesting history of butter-based art goes back even further.

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