After The Civil War, William Oland Bourne And Veterans Organized A “Left-Armed Corps” (Cool Weird Awesome 654)

For Veterans Day, we have the story of the "Left-Armed Corps," Civil War veterans who'd lost right arms in battle and were re-learning to write left-handed. Poet and newspaper publisher William Oland Bourne organized penmanship contests to encourage their writing, which he believed would help them find jobs and support themselves and their families as they returned to civilian life. Plus: you can learn about the veterans of World War II through a miniature golf course in Texas. 

Central Park’s Almost-Forgotten Tribute To Women Veterans Of World War I (Cool Weird Awesome 417)

We've dedicated statues, memorial walls, works of art, plaques, flags, bridges, roads and more to those who have served in the military. Here's the story of a living memorial in New York's Central Park to women who gave their lives while serving in World War I, that was almost forgotten over decades and generations, and how it was rediscovered in our time.

By |2020-11-11T08:42:49-05:00November 11, 2020|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , |

How To Turn A World War II Parachute Into A Wedding Dress (Cool Weird Awesome 168)

For Veterans Day, we have the story of Claude and Ruth Hensinger, who used the parachute that saved Claude's life during World War II to help build their lives and their 49 year marriage together.

By |2019-11-11T06:46:44-05:00November 11, 2019|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , |
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