Morrissey Shrine

If you have five seconds to spare on Craigslist, then he’ll tell you the story of his life.

My unemployment benefits ran out and I have to downsize, so I won’t be able to take the [Morrissey] shrine with me. No more reeling around the fountain, indeed. Comes from a home where smoking was previously allowed and 2 cats lived but they both died this summer. And I might as well tell you that I had to exchange all the stuff my ex-fiancee and I had at each other’s places this morning, since he ended our relationship just as things were looking most grim for me, so I might be sobbing when you come by.

How rough is a life when a person has to even give up a Morrissey shrine? That’s a more miserable life than even Morrissey could imagin – after all, Morrissey still has cats.

But then what’s next beyond that? A Hank Williams song? A Leonard Cohen song? A reality series?

Hopefully this poor soul will go no further down that road. I recommend, to start, that he book himself in at the Y… WCA.