Sometimes I worry we’re forgetting the true meaning of National Donut Day. It’s so much more commercial than when I was a kid. Retailers put out their donut decorations months ahead of time, and employees have to leave their family donut parties to get ready for last minute shoppers.
This year let’s focus on what really matters. It’s not about who gets the biggest donuts or the sweetest frosting! It’s about the magic in a child’s eyes when they wake up and see that Tim Horton came to their house overnight to eat the Old Fashioneds that they put out for him. It’s about the joy you make when you roll out the dough together on Donut Eve. And it’s about that moment where you join with people all over the world in dreaming of Chocolate Cream on earth, and marble-frosteds for all – mostly because you’re so sugar high that you can’t get off the couch without your head spinning.
Wishing you and yours a very happy and safe National Donut Day 2018!