It should probably go without saying that when you plant 238 tomato plants, you get tomatoes back. Add in 50 or so pepper plants, and there are bound to be a few peppers, too. Here’s what Sonya picked just yesterday:

A good day in the garden

It would be easy to lose track of all the other exciting stuff in the yard, so I took a special photo expedition to the garden to highlight some of the other flourishing veggies:

Green pepper

We have probably a half dozen bell peppers growing in a back corner. We had a red pepper plant that put out a few little ones, but I can’t remember where it is!


This is the first year we’ve actually gotten broccoli plants to put out crowns – in the past they haven’t done much of anything. We have friends who had broccoli grow up nice and big and then go straight to seed, without any crowns! So we lucked out.


We bought a few watermelon plants as a late-season lark, but it seems to be working – we have three going right now, two of which you can see here.


And this summer has been our best for blueberries, probably because we built some netting structures to go over the most productive bushes. This is one of the last berries left to pick.

There’s more even than this – herbs, eggplants, raspberries, squash, cabbage… and that’s not counting the flowers and other non-veggie activity. So I guess I’ll have to do another photo safari sometime soon.