Buried: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Died: December 26, 2006

See him: As a president who was known for his openness and candor, it should be no surprise that Gerald Ford’s gravesite is out front next to the Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids. Walk along the front of the building and you’ll find it- but do stop in the museum itself for some cool historical artifacts (Ford’s Oval Office chair and his college football helmet, among others) and some truly wacky items (a spare San Diego Chicken head?!?).

See also: The Fords built a house in Alexandria when Jerry’s congressional career started to take off; they stayed in the house through his time as Vice President and for his first ten days as president. It’s a private residence, so you can only look at it from the street, but the Gerald R. Ford House is a National Historic Site, probably because it’s the only house where a sitting president of the United States walked out in his pajamas to get the morning paper.