In The Early 20th Century, Some Americans Thought Tipping Was Horrible (Cool Weird Awesome 1292)

When tipping first came to the US, it had lots of opponents, sometimes for opposing reasons.

By |2024-08-14T08:55:39-04:00August 14, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

The Washington Monument That Was Built Before The Washington Monument (Cool Weird Awesome 1268)

Today in 1827, the people of Boonsboro, Maryland marked Independence Day by trying to build a stone monument to George Washington in a single day.

The Treaty That Ended World War I Also Set The International Standard For Musical Pitch (Cool Weird Awesome 1264)

Today in 1919, the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, which ended the massive conflict known today as World War I and set a lot of postwar international standards, including standard musical pitch. 

Medieval Europeans Really Could Have Banged Coconuts Together, Like In Monty Python (Cool Weird Awesome 1262)

It’s National Coconut Day, and according to a 2017 research paper in a journal called The Medieval Globe, that running gag in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” where the [...]

Legend Says Instead of Fighting A War, Two Armies In Switzerland Sat Down For Some Soup (Cool Weird Awesome 1255)

Legend has it that today in 1529, two armies in Switzerland decided that instead of having a war, they would have some soup.

By |2024-06-10T08:23:41-04:00June 10, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , , |

There Was More Than One “Real” Rosie the Riveter (Cool Weird Awesome 1247)

Today in 1943, Norman Rockwell's painting "Rosie the Riveter" was on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post. But that's not the image that we think of today as Rosie, and just as there were multiple depictions of the character, there were multiple real-life inspirations for those depictions.

Ancient Romans Once Threatened To Exile Anyone Wearing Pants (Cool Weird Awesome 1235)

One way you could celebrate National No Pants Day today is to put on a Roman toga or tunic, though the ancient Romans actually did a 180 on pants. Here's why they were for them after they were against them. 

By |2024-05-03T07:59:33-04:00May 3, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

A Boycott Against Charles Boycott Gave Us The Word “Boycott” (Cool Weird Awesome 1201)

Today in 1832, the birthday of Charles Boycott, whose name has been used for over a century anytime people decide to deliberately take their business away from a group or a company.

By |2024-03-12T08:54:38-04:00March 12, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |

When Missouri Banned Schools For Black Students, John Berry Meachum Started A School On A Riverboat (Cool Weird Awesome 1189)

Today in 1847, the state of Missouri put a significant obstacle in front of a civil rights activist's efforts to educate Black students in St. Louis. But he found a way around it. 

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