Medieval Monks Were Volcano Trackers Without Even Knowing It

In the 12th and 13th Centuries, monks were tracking the looks of the moon, including lunar eclipses. Modern-day researchers took another look to see if some of those eclipses were actually volcanic eruptions.

By |2024-12-16T07:07:26-05:00May 1, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

If You’re Really Lucky, You Might See The Winter Solstice Inside Newgrange In Ireland

Stonehenge is probably the most famous solstice-marking spot, but there’s another site that offers an amazing solstice experience, if you’re fortunate enough to see it.

By |2024-12-14T11:12:23-05:00December 21, 2022|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , |

Harrison Dyar, Who Made Digging Tunnels In Washington, DC His Hobby

In September 1924, a truck accidentally discovered a series of tunnels underneath Washington DC. There were lots of rumors, but it turned out a local guy had just dug them himself, for "exercise." Here's his story.

By |2024-12-07T20:32:46-05:00September 8, 2022|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , |
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