Every July 1 Is A Million Dollar Day For Baseball’s Bobby Bonilla (Cool Weird Awesome 1265)

Longtime baseball fans know this is the day each year that former star Bobby Bonilla gets more than a million bucks from the New York Mets, as part of the strangest salary deal the sport's ever seen.

By |2024-07-01T08:13:45-04:00July 1, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , , |

Cows Prefer Face-To-Face Talking Over Remote, And Don’t We All At This Point (Cool Weird Awesome 407)

We’re not the only species that knows the difference between a face-to-face chat and a remote one. Research out of Vienna shows cows prefer live human voices to recorded ones.

By |2024-10-28T07:14:29-04:00October 28, 2020|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |

In Honor Of Rocky And Bullwinkle, We Have Stories About Moose And Squirrel (Cool Weird Awesome 174)

Today is the 60th anniversary of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, so in their honor, here's a real life moose who inadvertently helped foil a crime.

By |2024-03-19T09:28:55-04:00November 19, 2019|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , |
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