Why Does A Water Tower In Kentucky Say “Florence Y’All”? (Cool Weird Awesome 368)

What's In A Name Week continues with the story of a water tower in northern Kentucky that was supposed to be an advertisement, but ended up becoming a local landmark. Plus: we'll explain one version of how Chicken Dinner Road in Idaho got its name.

By |2021-03-31T08:19:26-04:00August 27, 2020|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , , |

A Rock Painter In New Hampshire Really Loves A Chicken Farmer (Cool Weird Awesome 300)

We explore one of the great mysteries of our time: why is there a rock in Newbury, New Hampshire, with the words "CHICKEN FARMER I STILL LOVE YOU" painted on it? Plus: why is there a giant statue of a chicken eating burgers on top of a restaurant in Wisconsin? Lots of chicken mysteries out there, I guess.

By |2021-06-28T12:03:22-04:00May 18, 2020|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , |

“Ghost Signs” Show What Buildings Used To Be (Cool Weird Awesome 242)

If you’ve ever driven past a building and seen a faded advertisement on the side of the brick, or spotted a neon sign for a restaurant where a real estate office now sits, those are ghost signs. A new book called The Ghost Signs of NYC tours these signs and advertisements and tells the stories of how they got where they are.

By |2024-02-20T09:30:45-05:00February 20, 2020|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , |
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